放送大学研究年報 第22号(2004)71―86頁 Journal of the University of the Air, No. 22(2004)pp.71―86


原 田 順 子1)

Theoretical Background to Wage Dispersion in Human Resource Management


要 旨




Seniority wages and long-term employment have traditionally been seen as central elements of the Japanese management system, often presented in an exaggerated form as based on seniority wages and lifetime employment, together with enterprise unionism. However, in practice, Japanese pay has normally consisted of both merit and seniority factors. It is often stated that upward sloping age-wage profiles and long-term employment are positively related to systematic skill acquisition through on-the-job training and work incentives for workers. Yet, since the 1990s pay reform, most firms have decreased seniority factors and increased merit factors in order to constrain total labour cost. As a result, wage differentials have increased among those on the same job track with the same tenure.

The findings of recent research have, however, been that the real changes in the new pay system with drastic changes have been modest due to corporate customs. This highlighted the possibility that noneconomic reasons might significantly constrain pay reform. Practitioner-oriented managerial analysis also often suggests a synthesis of economics and sociology, especially the principal-agent theory and institutional theory of organisation. Pay reform since the 1990s extends into a number of potential analytic fields. Consequently, this paper outlines the theoretical background to this issue. Economic theories and institutional theory act as two pillars of the paper, and it is argued that the synthesis of these theories is justified.

